Quality Appliance Plaza, Inc.

Located at J.R. Borja St., beside Technomart. For fast and easy transaction call or text Ms. Marichu G. Sy at 0905-7557-689 .

Ms. Marichu Granada Sy

For your household appliance needs, call or text me at 0905-7557-689 or PM me in my facebook account.

Quality Appliance Plaza Logo

For Fast and Easy Transaction, call Ms. Marichu for assistance at 0905-7557-689.

We will assist local and OFW's

For further information on how to apply for appliance loan, you may call Ms. Marichu G. Sy at 0905-7557-689 for faster and easy transaction.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/qualityappliance.plaza.9

call or text Marichu G. Sy at 0905-7557-689.

Ms. Marichu Granada Sy

For your household appliance needs, call or text me at 0905-7557-689 or PM me in my facebook account.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/qualityappliance.plaza.9

Please call or text Marichu G. Sy at 0905-7557-689.

PM ME HERE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/qualityappliance.plaza.9

Please call or text Marichu G. Sy at 0905-7557-689.

The best and easy way to clean your oven

Short video showing how easy it is to clean an oven with just baking soda ,water and vinegar. This is a much better way to clean your oven than using those harsh chemical cleaners. It's safer for you and safer for the environment. But if your oven are old enough to be become that clean or shiny like new and you feel like replacing it, then maybe its time for you to call me, at quality appliance plaza we offer easy installment plan. all you need to do is call or text me at 0905 7557 869 or add and send message at my FB account https://www.facebook.com/cdo.appliances